Thursday, May 10, 2012

 Potential Offensiveness Alert

This blog should really be named "Things We Can't Say on Facebook".  Jonny Soxx (my husband and partner in crime) and I decided we needed a place to vent without offending family and friends who might get the vapors at some of our thoughts.  If you somehow get directed here and don't like what you see, PLEASE PLEASE close the window, pretend you never saw it, and get some brain bleach if you need to.  Everyone else, welcome and feel free to comment.  Comments will remain unmoderated until someone really pisses me off.  :o)


  1. Welcome back to the Innernets, Gina! I'm glad you're posting again!

  2. Thanks Jana! We just got up and running but I wanted to invite my favorite blogger!

  3. Things I can't say on Facebook:
    1. I'm a proud conservative
    2. Gee, I'm not sure Obama is the best president ever
    3. Mark Zuckerberg...more like Mark Suckerberg!

  4. I just found this on a Sat at 7am.... First to bake before I
